00_2 生命の線|LINES OF LIFE
北山讃歌 - 荒神橋より|Hymn for Kitayama - from Kojin Bridge
"生"命の奥行を感じさせる北山連山の"稜線"。 我々の"生"活の場所に流れる鴨川という"線"。我々がふと、鴨川を渡りながら眺める日常の景色は、天候や気温、時間や季節によって見え方を変えながら、その大自然への気づきを、我々に与えてくれるのだ。
The ridge"line" of the Kitayama mountain range remind us of the depths of "life". The Kamo River as a "Line", which flows through the place where we "live".The everyday scenery we see while crossing the Kamo River suddenly changes its appearance depending on the weather, temperature, time and season, allowing us to become aware of its natural beauty.
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