1950 京都に生まれる|1972 日展初出品初入選|1974 京都市立芸術大学日本画科卒業 全関西展読売新聞社賞受賞|1976 同大学専攻科修了 在学中に日展4回連続入選|1984 日仏現代美術展出品 第二席 同フランスソワール賞受賞|1986 東京セントラル美術館日本画大賞展招待出品|1987 京都画壇日本画秀作展選抜出品|1999 「増上寺天井絵展」に出品|2001 「心の山河 心の森−清水信行画文集」 出版 / 芸艸堂|2007-2010 「富岳」「紅富岳」「清水新雪」がユニセフのグリーティングカードに採用される|2013 京都府主催「心の京都100撰展」出品|2014 株式会社京都銀行カレンダーに京都の四季の作品が選出される|2018-2020 京都市主催「京都の秋・音楽祭」のポスターに「古都麗秋」「古都響秋」「洛東清秋(黒谷)」が採用される
1950 Born in Kyoto.|1972 Nitten exhibition selection.|1974 Won the Yomiuri Shimbun Award at All Kansai Exhibition.|1976 Graduated from the Department of Japanese Painting, Kyoto City University of Arts. While a student, he was awarded four consecutive Nitten awards.|1984 Exhibited at the Japan-France Contemporary Art Exhibition, 2nd Prize, Soir of France.|1986 Invited to exhibit at the Tokyo Central Museum of Art's Japanese Painting Award Exhibition.|1987 Selected for the Japanese Painting Excellence Exhibition in Kyoto.|1999 Zojoji Ceiling Painting Exhibition.|2001 "Mountains and Rivers of the Heart: The Forest of the Heart" published by Unsodo.|2007-2010 "Fuji""Red Fuji""Kiyomizu in winter" are adopted as UNICEF greeting cards.|2013 Exhibited in the "100 Best of Kyoto" exhibition organized by Kyoto Prefecture.|2014 The four seasons of Kyoto were selected for the Kyoto Bank Ltd. calendar.|2018-2020 The works was selected for the Autumn Kyoto Music Festival poster.
©2019 Nobuyuki Shimizu.
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