01_1 心の京都|KYOTO IN MY MIND
京都に生まれて70年、未だに過去を追幕するが如く古都の山紫水明に一途に魅了され続けている。子どもの頃は父に連れられ、思春期にはよく散歩し、息子と桜を見ながら歩いた哲学の道、追憶の道と言うべきか。セミの鳴く声が聞こえる東山の重厚な蒼さは、私をその場から離させない。華麗なる秋を演出する洛東の名刹、永観堂界隈は燃ゆる生命の紅葉(高揚)を感じさせる。 清水の舞台での俄な降雪、瞬く間に銀世界へと変貌し、幻想の世界に没入するように一人私は佇んでいた。日頃見慣れた風景は全く幻想的な詩の世界に一変する。 そう、私の心は、いつも京洛の四季と繋がっているのだ。
It has been 70 years since I was born in Kyoto. Even now, as if reliving the past, I am single-mindedly fascinated by the scenic beauty of the ancient capital. When I was a child, my father used to take me for walks, and now my son and I are walking along Philosopher's Path to see the cherry blossoms. It's a path of memories, I should say. The humidity and the sound of cicadas, I can't get away from Higashiyama, which makes me feel such a summer. Eikando, a gorgeous autumnal setting, gives me a sense of exuberance of life. I was immersed in a world of fantasy as the snow that suddenly fell on the stage of Kiyomizu Temple turned to silver in an instant, I stood there. A familiar, everyday scene was transformed into an utterly fantastic world of poetry. My mind has always been connected to the four seasons of Kyoto.
©2019 Nobuyuki Shimizu.
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